Sunday, 8 August 2010

"Trial and Error"?

Why name a blog "Trial and Error"?

Two reasons ,,,

1 - Trial and error is a method for finding solutions to problems.

Watch a child with the square peg trying to work out why it won't fit into the round hole - as, more than likely, you once did!  You worked it out eventually, through trial and error.

Or remember learning to ride a bike, or passing your driving test? "I'll never be able to do it...", after much trial and error eventually turns into ..."Yay, I did it!"

We don't start out with answers, we start with questions. Most of what we know, or think we know, how we react to life's problems, how we find solutions to our problems, have their source in our own individual "trials and errors". We learn from our mistakes.

Think of me writing this blog - do I say it this way or that, is this post too short or too long? This is going to be way too technical, how do I make it simpler?

Whether this blog succeeds or fails will be a matter of  "trial and error".

2 - Think also of trials of the judicial kind, and how they rely on evidence.

- With sufficient evidence, no room left for reasonable doubt - case proven!

- With insufficient evidence, room left for reasonable doubt - case not proven!

So, in summary, this blog is about looking at a problem ...

- collating the available evidence,

- looking at the areas of reasonable doubt, 

- and using trial and error to find a solution.

What is your role, if any?

Well, it's your choice. If you choose to be - you are the jury.

And then it's your verdict that counts, not mine.
